Is the topic that will develop in this block " Who I am I?, where the performances that you will obtain at the end of the course will be:
· Uses the simple present on having spoken, having written and to read.
· Understands across the scout and the reading the use of the simple present.
· Uses the verb " to be " in diverse forms according to the communicative intention.
· Present my self and to others in diverse contexts by means of conversations and writings.
So prepare yourself to develop diverse activities that will be full of amusement and of big challenges of individual form or in equipment.
El tema que se desarrollará en este bloque es "Quien soy yo?, donde los desempeños que obtendrás al final del curso serán:
· Uses the simple present on having spoken, having written and to read.
· Understands across the scout and the reading the use of the simple present.
· Uses the verb " to be " in diverse forms according to the communicative intention.
· Present my self and to others in diverse contexts by means of conversations and writings.
So prepare yourself to develop diverse activities that will be full of amusement and of big challenges of individual form or in equipment.
El tema que se desarrollará en este bloque es "Quien soy yo?, donde los desempeños que obtendrás al final del curso serán:
- Usa el presente simple al hablar, escribir y leer.
- Comprende a través de la escucha y la lectura el uso del presente simple.
- Usa el verbo “to be” en diversas formas según la intención comunicativa.
- Se presenta a sí mismo y a otras persona en diversos contextos mediante conversaciones y escritos.
Así que prepárate para desarrollar diversas actividades que estarán llenas de diversión y de grandes retos de forma individual o en equipo.
Activity of video: You will have to listen to the following video in order that later you select one of the songs mentioned there, you were joining for affinity in equipment of two persons and you will have to interpret the melody and record you for later be raised in the page of the professor in Facebook (Adriana Díaz Rojo). This activity will count 30 % of the qualification of the first block, so! So let go to sing! (P.S) You can pick another song if you want it, but remember use the simple present)
Actividad de video: Deberás escuchar el siguiente video para que posteriormente selecciones una de las canciones mencionadas ahí, te juntaras por afinidad en equipo de dos personas y deberás interpretar la melodía y grabarte para posteriormente se suba en la pagina del catedrático en Facebook (Adriana Díaz Rojo). Esta actividad contará un 30 % de la calificación del primer bloque, así que !vamos a cantar! Nota:Puedes seleccionar otra canción si lo deseas. Recuerda que es usando el presente simple.
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